It was not long until I was delivered those 4 floppy disks to load Boardmaker onto my computer and so begin my long relationship with developing Boardmaker activities on a computer. When I started my career over 18 years ago, I had an old folder of PCS symbols, which I would photocopy page by page, before cutting and pasting to create my materials. I recently read this article about the history and timeline of Boardmaker, and it certainly reminded me of me own journey using Boardmaker. (“What?” you say – Is this even possible!?!) Here at Spectronics, we are excited to bring you Boardmaker Online and we know you will all be keen to jump on board this new Boardmaker era. Guess what? With Boardmaker Online, Boardmaker is getting better. Even parents all over Australia use Boardmaker to make customised communication and learning materials for their children.
Boardmaker continues to be one of the most commonly used and popular software programs in Australian and New Zealand schools and centres. In our ever changing world of technology, it is ALWAYS exciting to see something that we already love, just get better and better….